Monday 30 December 2013

Ideas for my music video

After assessing the song from my chosen artist, i started to think about how I could turn this song into a music video for myself. I felt that I would represent the theme and narrative of a journey. I would also like to present the idea of not taking life too seriously and just to have fun. So therefore I would aim to use hand held camera for most of my shots and use the propagandist to film most of their shots. that way it would almost allow the audience to know how the protagonist is feeling. Also another idea i had was to use fast cut shots in order to create a sense of suspense and excitement. Furthermore in order to make sure the shots were not boring i will add different filter colours and effects. Also in some of my shots i will speed them up and slow them down to slow the movements through time. I also plan to use a wide variety of different shots to show my full range of capability.

Due to this being a house song there is no clear narrative, only themes of a journey, this is similar to many other house songs and videos.

Here is an example of a house song i gathered ideas from:

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