Monday 30 December 2013

Ideas for my music video

After assessing the song from my chosen artist, i started to think about how I could turn this song into a music video for myself. I felt that I would represent the theme and narrative of a journey. I would also like to present the idea of not taking life too seriously and just to have fun. So therefore I would aim to use hand held camera for most of my shots and use the propagandist to film most of their shots. that way it would almost allow the audience to know how the protagonist is feeling. Also another idea i had was to use fast cut shots in order to create a sense of suspense and excitement. Furthermore in order to make sure the shots were not boring i will add different filter colours and effects. Also in some of my shots i will speed them up and slow them down to slow the movements through time. I also plan to use a wide variety of different shots to show my full range of capability.

Due to this being a house song there is no clear narrative, only themes of a journey, this is similar to many other house songs and videos.

Here is an example of a house song i gathered ideas from:

House culture/genre

After researching many different genres including pop and indie i have decided to go with the genre of house music. I have chosen this genre as i believe that it will be the most practical genre to use with the resources and budget that i have available. Also i believe that house music best relates to me and the life surrounding me. Also i believe that this is massively reliant on flamboyant props. It also gives me the experience of playing around with different shots and effects.
A large proportion of house music videos are based around crazy lifestyles including parties, alcohol, drugs, young people etc. Moreover i believe i can shoot this video on a low budget while adding elements to create a story and sense of identity. Furthermore there is a variety of different music videos I have to analyse many different music videos from all genres to develop a variety of ideas to help me build on my initial plans for the video

Sunday 15 December 2013

Emailing the artist

After I found the band/artist I wanted to use to create my music video i had to email them. I did this as soon as possible so i would be able to start my project and put some ideas together. Also i would need their confirmation and blessing that i was alright to use their song. They replied by asking if they could first see a brief rough cut of the video, however by this stage I haven't even started filming yet. Moreover I explained this and sent them my storyboard after I finalized some of my ideas. The response I was given was fantastic and I had the go ahead to carry on with my project.

Saturday 7 December 2013

House music

House music is a genre of electronic dance music. It originates back to the early 1980s in Chicago. It really became famous in 1985 around North and South America then spread out across Europe and not far behind, Australia. 
Early house music success in Europe saw songs such as 'House Nation' by House Master Boyz and 'Doctorin the House' by Coldcut feature in the pop charts. Ever since the 1990s house music has featured in the charts regularly and has infused with music genres such as: pop and dance music.

Early house music was mainly dance based with elements of different beats and rhythms developed with computerized drums and synthesized baselines. House music has many similarities to disco music, however it is more electronic and techno based, with the rhythm being more important than the song itself.

Modern day house music, while keeping many of its core elements, the kick drum in almost every beat varies with style and influence from soul and suspense atmosphere. Housed music has also fused with other genres to form electro-house, tech-house, jump-house etc.

In the early stages of house music, many local Chicago artists found themselves with record labels as house music really became a commercial success. Furthurmore artists such as Madonna, Janet Jackson and Daft Punk merged elements of the house genre with their songs.