Thursday 12 September 2013

Target auidence

As I have decided to go for the genre of house I did some research into the audience that may enjoy this type of music. The listeners of this genre I believe would be mainly young adults with a mixture between male and female fans, however the male audience is probably more prominent. Important factors when aiming your product at an audience demographic is trying to get to know them, and what they do in their spare time, with their money etc. A major source of entertainment or social factors surrounding this audience is that they go to a lot of clubs/bars to listen to different music played by DJ's and also to dance and socialise. Moreover most of the target audience would fall under the NRS social class of grade E, therefore they would be seen as working class/students and would have much money to spend. Most of their money would go towards a big even such as a festival

I decided to do some in depth research into the type of clothes that may be worn by this target audience so when  it comes to doing my filming I'd be fully prepared and know how to costume my protagonist. Some items I came across when searching included, jeans, casual shirt and sunglasses.

I also looked at some house artists that were
similar to mine in order to see how they dressed.

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